
So, it turns out my idea of posting every week or two has already gone right out of the window. I know full well that all of you, yes, all zero of you reading this, have been missing me dearly. You are probably wondering where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing… right?! Well, in my super exciting life, I’ve been busy paper writing…. okay, so not that exciting. However, said paper recently got accepted into the journal ‘Frontiers in Plant Science’ titled ‘A deep learning method for fully automatic stomatal morphometry and maximal conductance estimation’. Simply put; I developed a convolutional neural network to identify stomata - pores on a leaf that allow the ...

November 5th, 2021 by


I’m sure as you can see from the title, that this is my first post, and as unexciting as that sounds, I’m pretty certain I have no visitors to read this yet. For those of you who do happen to stumble across my page, hello, and if you haven’t guessed, I’m Jonathon Gibbs. Doctor Jonathon Gibbs to be exact. But, not in the medical sense, rather, a fake doctor. A Doctor of Philosophy. One of those who can develop an interesting idea in which nothing becomes of it, and then, …drum roll…, be awarded a Doctorate.  As simple as that. I mean no disrespect to anyone with a PhD, by all means achieving this is no ea ...

September 21st, 2021 by